We give help when you need it most.
What is mental illness?
Mental illness is a general term for a group of illnesses that may include symptoms that can affect a person’s thinking, perceptions, mood or behavior. Mental illness can make it difficult for someone to cope with work, relationships and other demands.

How does The Giving House help?
TGH services are office, home and community based. Our program curriculum consists of rehabilitation and recovery modalities, interventions and strategies to increase skill building, decrease behavioral symptoms, and increase self-sufficiency.

Our Team
We are a group of highly trained, hands-on professionals with a staff who has excelled in this field in a way that has been unparalleled for the past 21 years.
We are collectively of the mindset that giving until there's seemingly nothing left and then giving more is exactly what it will take to combat the crippling and literally debilitating effects of the mental disorders we are tasked to manage within our traumatized communities.
One commonly asked question we face at The Giving House from so many who come lost and looking for help is “Will it be like this forever”, and the answer is always "NO; your healing is just around the corner." We're here to usher you to a brighter reality. Make The Giving House your home.